Yellow Pages

Yellow Pages

A Quick Guide to Useful Products and Services

For information on how to add your organization or business to the Yellow Pages, e-mail or call Art Beyond Sight at (212) 334-8720.

Art Supplies
Assistive Technology
Audio-Description/Audio-Guide Services
Books – Talking Books, Large-print, Multi-sensory
Braille Products
Exhibition Design
Captioning Services
Museum Consultants
Tactile Printing – Printers, Paper, Tactile Tablets
Talking Equipment
Universal Design Services

Art Supplies

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Assistive Technology

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Audio-Description/Audio-Guide Services

Antenna AudioAntenna Audio is the world leader in audio-visual interpretation for museums & historic sites. With more than 20 years of experience, we offer first-class educational interpretation and are committed to enabling the greatest access possible. Collaborating with specialist organizations and leading experts in access solutions, we provide groundbreaking solutions for visitors with special needs, such as audio tours for visually impaired, descriptive and touch tours, virtual tours and sign language tours.
415-332-4862 (North America) / +44 (0)20 7740 1155 (Europe)

Audio Description AssociatesAudio Description Associates offers a full range of Audio Description services. ADA professionals use their expertise in the arts to create access for people who are blind of have low vision: audio described tours--digitally recorded--for museum tours; description for live and recorded arts events/media; training for professional describers, museum docents, tour guides, and children's librarians. " T h e V i s u a l M a d e V e r b a l " For more information about Audio Description and access for people who are blind or have low vision, please go to:

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Books – Talking Books, Large-print, Multi-sensory

Art and the Alphabet: A Tactile ExperienceArt and the Alphabet: A Tactile Experience. This children's book, featuring masterpieces in the Metropolitan of Art Museum's collection, combines color reproductions, large print, braille, and tactile pictures. Works of art illustrate objects used to represent each letter of the alphabet. The raised-line drawings, superimposed over the images, give a simplified tactile representation of the object used to illustrate each letter. Suggestions for describing art to people who are blind or partially sighted are also included. $50. Available in the Museum's Children's Shop and from the Met Store online at A limited number are also available free of charge to teachers of blind and partially sighted students and eligible organizations.
For information, call 212-879-5500 ext. 3561.

Art Beyond Sight: A Resource Guide to Art, Creativity, and Visual ImpairmentArt Beyond Sight: A Resource Guide to Art, Creativity, and Visual Impairment. Art Beyond Sight and AFB Press; 500-pages. This resource guide addresses all aspects of developing museum and community art education programs for individuals with visual impairments. With the companion video (see “Videos”), this book serves as a training tool for museum educators, school teachers, or anyone working directly with adults or children with vision loss. $69.95. Available from American Foundation for the Blind

Art History Through Touch and Sound: A Multisensory Guide for the Blind and Visually ImpairedArt History Through Touch and Sound: A Multisensory Guide for the Blind and Visually Impaired. A groundbreaking multi-volume art history series for people who are blind or visually impaired that is the result of nine years of research, development, and testing by Art Beyond Sight. Six of the volumes have been published by the American Printing House for the Blind. $99 each. Available from (The volumes are available to legally blind students and their educators through the Federal Quota Program.) An online community that offers over 22,000 accessible digital books and periodicals to members who have visual impairments or learning disabilities.

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Braille Products

Touching Lives - 30 years of dedication to braille - 1975-2005
Duxbury makes software for two distinct types of users, those that know braille and those that do not! For three decades, Duxbury Systems has been the source that nations turn to when they want to begin automated braille production of textbooks and other materials. Our solutions translate and format over fifty languages and variants into braille and support every type of braille embosser in the world. DBT WIN also handles braille graphics and math braille. Our flagship products, DBT Win and MegaDots, are used by virtually all of the world's leading braille publishers. DBT is so simple to use beginners can learn it in just minutes. Yet its depth, power and accuracy are such that it is used by major braille production centers around the world. Email

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Exhibition Design

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Captioning Services

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Museum Consultants

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Freedom ScientificFREEDOM SCIENTIFIC is the world's leading manufacturer of assistive technology products for those who are blind and vision impaired and for the special education and learning disability markets.
A leader in innovative technology-based accessible software and hardware, Freedom Scientific’s principal products include JAWS®, the world’s leading screen reader; MAGic® screen magnification software; OpenBook™ which converts printed documents or graphic-based text into electronic text using accurate optical character recognition and quality speech; the accessible PAC Mate™ portable computing device; Focus Braille Displays, the SARA™ Scanning and Reading Appliance; and WYNN™ and TestTalker® software for people with learning difficulties. Email

Premier Assistive TechnologyPremier Assistive Technology. Making software affordable for everyone who needs assistance reading and writing.
"If it's not affordable, it's not accessible." 815-722-5961

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Tactile Printing – Printers, Paper, Tactile Tablets

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Talking Equipment

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Universal Design Services

Adaptive EnvironmentsAdaptive Environments. A 27-year-old educational non-profit committed to advancing the role of design in expanding opportunity and enhancing experience for people of all ages and abilities. AE’s work balances expertise in legally required accessibility with promotion of best practices in universal design. Projects vary from local to international.

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Art Beyond Sight. A Demonstration of Practical Techniques for Teaching Art to People with Visual Impairments. Produced by the Museum of Modern Art and Art Beyond Sight, narrated by Meredith Viera. Twenty-three minute documentary demonstrates how to make art accessible to children and adults with sight loss. Followed by eight three-minute instructional features with detailed information on different learning tools, including verbal description, touch tours, tactile diagrams, and art making. $34.95. Available from: American Foundation for the Blind or the American Association of Museums.

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Painting by Peter Paul Rubens; detail of woman carrying a basket on her head and holding the hand of a child. Half the image is a tactile drawing, half the original painting.Rubens paintingRubens painting
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