Study on the Needs and Preferences of Adults who Are Blind or Have Low Vision
Report Written by Christine Reich, Anna Lindgren-Streicher, Marta Beyer, , and Leigh Ann Mesiti, April 2011
This report presents findings from a joint study carried out by the Museum of Science, Boston Research and Evaluation Department (MOS) and Art Beyond Sight with museum visitors who are blind or have low vision. The purpose of this study was to gather information that can inform the development of pilot museum programs that meet the needs and interests of visitors who are blind or have low vision and to provide professional development for museum professionals. Focus groups were used as the primary data collection method, as they enable idea sharing and discussion in a group format where educators can unobtrusively listen to and observe the conversation. Focus groups occurred during 2010 at seven major art museums across the country including the Brooklyn Museum; the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; the Indianapolis Museum of Art; the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; the National Gallery of Art; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; and the Seattle Art Museum.
Full Report (1-55 pages)
Appendices (56- 110 pages)
Appendix A: Participant Release Form
Appendix B: Focus Group Participant Survey
Appendix C: Focus Group Guide
Appendix D: Focus Group Coding Scheme
Appendix E: Focus Group Selected Quotes
Appendix F: Focus Group Participant Comment Totals
Appendix G: Institutional Focus Group Reports
White Paper on Museums and Visitors who Are Blind or Have Low Vision