Interdisciplinary Discussion Groups

Art Beyond Sight Across the World
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Educators Discussion Group

Museums Discussion Group

Community and Advocacy Discussion Group and Social Action Projects

Theory and Research Discussion Group

Learning Tools Discussion Group

**PLEASE NOTE that Art Beyond Sight Discussion Groups are unmoderated lists. This means that no one reads or edits the e-mail sent to the Art Beyond Sight listservr in any way before it is distributed to all Discussion Group subscribers. These Discussion groups are closed lists; only those who are properly subscribed to the Discussion Group can post messages. Lastly, all Art Beyond Sight Discussion Groups are free and democracy rules!

Art Beyond Sight Educators Discussion Group
       Educators Discussion Topic Leaders

Art Beyond Sight Museums Discussion Group
       Museum Discussion Topic Leaders

Art Beyond Sight Community and Advocacy Discussion Group and Social Action Projects
       Advocacy Discussion Topic Leaders

Art Beyond Sight Theory and Research Discussion Group
       Research Discussion Topic Leaders

Art Beyond Sight Learning Tools Discussion Group
       Learning Tools Discussion Topic Leaders

Art Beyond Sight Educators Discussion Group

Moderated by Mary Ann Siller, American Foundation for the Blind, TX, and Stuart Wittenstein, California School for the Blind

Educators Discussion Topic Leaders
School Administration

Stuart Wittenstein, California School for the Blind
Primary and Secondary Schools Art Educators
Rocky Tomascoff, Perkins School for the Blind
General Educators of Children with Multiple Disabilities
Betsy Armstrong, Educational Vision Services (EVS), NYC Dept. of Education
Cheryl Stewart, Overbrook School for the Blind
General Educators, Elementary Through Junior High
Pam Ranelli, Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority
Pearl Rosen, Independent Consultant
Art Therapists
Jennifer Drower, New York University
Art Education for Skill Development
Mary Jean Sanspree, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Pamela Wheelock, Educational Vision Services (EVS), NYC Dept. of Education
College/University Lecturers in Art History
Karen Frimkess Wolff, Braille Institute of America

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Art Beyond Sight Educators Discussion Group go to:

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Art Beyond Sight Museums Discussion Group

Moderated by Hope McMath, Cummer Museum of Art, and Caro Howell, formerly of Tate Modern

Museum Discussion Topic Leaders
Sensitivity and Awareness Training

Harold Snider, National Federation of the Blind
Barry Ginley, Victoria and Albert Museum
Anna Fairclough, Vision Australia Foundation
Learning Tools for Museum Programs (touch tour, verbal description, tactile diagrams etc) and Accessibility Resources (accessible web and labels, audio guides, alternative formats etc.)
Francesca Rosenberg, The Museum of Modern Art
Caro Howell, formerly of Tate Modern
Conceptualizing Museum Programs
Sandra Eastwood, formerly of Iziko: South African National Gallery
Nurit Neustadt, Consultation and Rehabilitation Services (Israel)
Advisory Board
Sy Hoffman, Birmingham Museum of Art
Open House, Special Event
Hope McMath, Cummer Museum of Art
Museum and School Partnerships
Hannah Goodwin, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mickie Silverstein, The Art Institute of Chicago
Training Staff, Docents, and Volunteers
Kate Ramsden, The Royal Festive Hall, London
Lucy Ribeiro, National Portrait Gallery, London
Employment and Volunteer Opportunities for blind people in the arts community
Hope McMath, Cummer Museum of Art

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Art Beyond Sight Museums Discussion Group go to:

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Art Beyond Sight Community and Advocacy Discussion Group and Social Action Projects:

Moderated by Vickie Collins, National Library Service for the Blind and National Exhibits by Blind Artists, Rebecca McGinnis, Metropolitan Museum of Art , Ann Cunningham, Colorado Center for the Blind, and Carole Gothelf, The Shield Institute

Advocacy Discussion Topic Leaders
Professional and Amateur Artists

Stephanie Moore, VSA Arts
Scott Nelson, Art of the Eye
Vickie Collins, National Exhibits by Blind Artists
Art Lovers and Museum Goers
Angela Wolf, National Federation of the Blind
Parents and Families of Blind Children
Art and Art History Students with Visual Impairments
Blind People, People with Sight Loss, and Advocacy Groups

Patricia Maurer, National Federation of the Blind
William Rowland, Ph.D. The South African National Council for the Blind
Seniors, Veterans, and Homebound People with Sight Loss
Carole Gothelf, The Shield Institute
Simon Labbett, Royal National Institute of the Blind
Tourists who are visually impaired
Visual Impairment Basics

Karen Seidman, The Lighthouse International
Benefits of Art Education
Sandra Jackson, Studio Museum in Harlem
Philip Yenawine, Visual Understanding in Education
Benefits of Art Education for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Judy Strauss-Schwartz, Educator and Mobility Specialist
The International Community
Rebecca McGinnis, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museums as Community Centers
Rebecca Hinde, Lower East Side Tenement Museum
Ann Cunningham, Colorado Center for the Blind
Libraries for Blind People and tactile and Multisensory materials
Grace Lyons, DC Regional Library
Social Action and the Sharing of Tactile and Multisensory Materials
Noriko Yoshikawa , Braillecom, Japan
Philippe Claudet, Les Doigts Qui Rêvent
Fabio Levi, Tactile Vision, Turin, Italy
Employment and Volunteer Opportunities for blind people in the arts community
Hope McMath, Cummer Museum of Art
Foundations interested in this field
Art Historians interested in this field

Art Beyond Sight
The latest from the National Endowment for the Arts, Suzanne Richards
The latest from American Foundation for the Blind
The latest from the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), Roberta Williams
The latest from the Braille Authority of North America (BANA), Eileen Curran
The latest from the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of Blind and Visually Impaired (AER), Mark Richert
The latest from the National Art Educators Association (NAEA)
The latest from the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), Patricia Maurer
The latest from the VSA Arts, Stephanie Moore,
The latest from the National Exhibit of Blind Artists (NEBA), Vickie Collins
The latest from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
The latest from the American Association of Museums
The latest from the UNESCO
The latest from ICOM

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Art Beyond Sight Advocacy Discussion Group go to:

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Art Beyond Sight Theory and Research Discussion Group

Moderated by Morton A. Heller, Eastern Illinois University and John M. Kennedy, University of Toronto

Research Discussion Topic Leaders
Haptic Perception of 3D Properties of Art.

Gunnar Jansson, University of Uppsala
Social and Educational Psychology.
Simon Hayhoe, Birmingham University
Philosophy: Are Pictures Visual? Philosophical and conceptual implications of new research on blindness and perception.
Rob Hopkins, University of Sheffield
Cognitive research of blind people's perception and how it informs our understanding about learning processes and cognition of all people. Multisensory teaching and learning tools for all audiences (including students with learning disabilities).
Krishnankutty (Krish) Sathian, M.D., Ph.D. Emory University, GA
Alvaro Pascual-Leone Garcia, M.D., Ph.D. Harvard Medical School
Charles Spence, Oxford University

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Art Beyond Sight Theory and Research Discussion Group go to:

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Art Beyond Sight Learning Tools Discussion Group

Moderated by and Teresa Kardoulias, Art Beyond Sight and Francesca Rosenberg, The Museum of Modern Art

Learning Tools Discussion Topic Leaders:

Touch and Tactile Experiences:
guided and self guided, and other touch experiences such as touchable models, replicas, facsimiles, props, tactile diagrams. It is moderated by

Leah Fox, The Museum of Modern Art
Elvira D'Amicone, Museo Egizio, Turin , Italy
Conservation Concerns involved in putting together guidelines for touching art.
Clara Ines Rojas-Sebesta, Art Beyond Sight
Verbal Description: ways of enriching verbal descriptions with other multisensory experiences, and ways to practice and refine verbal description skills
Louise Brasher, Birmingham Museum of Art
Verbal Description: Audio Guides. Ways to practice and refine verbal description skills
Joel Snyder, National Captioning Institute, Audio Description Associates

Sound and Drama:
Ermyn King, Penn State University Arts and Health Outreach Initiative

Tactile Diagrams:
information and advances in the field, such as the universal tactile code, different methods of exploring tactile pictures, and effective and affordable methods of tactile printing. Different Printing Methods
Robert Jaquiss, VIEW International Foundation
Barry Richardson, Monash University

Art Making:
Objectives of Art Programs: developing thinking skills, improving tactile and motor skills, enhancing curriculum, and building self-confidence
David Tabak, Guild for the Blind, Chicago
Art Making: Materials, Techniques, and Resources
Carol Wisker, formerly Philadelphia Museum of Art
Carrie Marcotte, Albright-Knox Gallery
Educational Extensions: Art, Aesthetics, Social and Cultural History of the World
Marke Pertunnen, School for the Blind Finland
K.Venkatesh, Chandana Art Foundation International, Bangalore, India
Curriculum Integration Activities: Art and blind students' curriculum
Alice Mayfield, Colorado School for the Blind
Accessibility Resources (accessible web and labels, audio guides, alternative formats etc.)

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Art Beyond Sight Learning Tools Discussion Group go to:

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