Launching a Pilot Program

Supplementary Resources

Publications and Resources on Disability Awareness and Accessibility

Design for Accessibility: A Cultural Administrator's Handbook.
Everyone's Welcome: the Americans with Disabilities Act and Museums. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 1999.
Smithsonian Guidelines for Accessible Exhibition Design. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Accessibility Program, 1996. or email
Reaching Out: A Creative Access Guide for Designing Exhibits and Cultural Programs for Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired. AFB Press, 1997.
New What Do You Do When You See a Blind Person? By AFB Press, 2000.
Communicating with People with Disabilities 
Disability Awareness Guide  
Disability Etiquette Handbook  
How to Be a Sighted Guide   Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities    
Removing Barriers: Tips and Strategies to Promote Accessible Communication   National Institute for the Blind, United Kingdom (RNIB) with Awareness: People-First Language

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National Agencies, Resource and Technical Assistance Centers

To speak with a technical information specialist, contact the Americans with Disabilities Act Hotline, 800/514-0301 or TTY 800/514-0383.

State Code Contact List,
Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTAC),
U. S. Access Board,
The National Endowment for the Arts,
The National Arts and Disability Center,
National Center for Disability Services,
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
U.S. Bureau of the Census

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Publications Related to the Experience of Blindness

Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness. John M. Hull. New York, NY: Vintage, 1992.
Planet of The Blind. A Memoir. Stephen Kuusisto. New York; Delta, 1998.
Freedom for the Blind: The Secret is Empowerment. James H. Omvig  
The Seeing Summer. Jeannette Eyerly. Harpercollins, 1981. 
Kenneth Jernigan: The Master, The Mission, The Movement.
If Blindness Comes. Kenneth Jernigan, National Federation of the Blind, 1994.
Care and Feeding of the Long White Cane. Thomas Bickford. Walking Alone and Marching Together.  Floyd Matson. NFB, 1990.
The Kernel Books
To Love This Life. Quotations by Helen Keller, AFB Press, 2000.
Definition of Blindness. Kenneth Jernigan    The Myth and the Image. Kenneth Jernigan
The Cost of a Gift. Marc Maurer  

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Universal Design

Universal design is a worldwide movement based on the concept that all products, environments and communications should be designed to consider the needs of the widest possible array of users.  

Accessible Exhibitions: Testing the Reality. Ziebarth, Elizabeth K., and Zahava D. Doering. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1993.
The Accessible Museum: Model Programs of Accessibility for Disabled and Older People Sartwell, Marcia, Ed., Washington: The American Association of Museums, 1992.
Achieving Physical and Communication Accessibility. Boston: Adaptive Environments, 1995.
ADA Title II Action Guide for State and Local Governments & Supplement on Employment. Boston: Adaptive Environments, 1996.
Beautiful Universal Design: A Visual Guide. Leibrock, Cynthia and James Terry. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
Beyond Access to Opportunity A Guide to Planning a Universal Environments for the Arts. Lesser, Ann-Ellen. New York: New York State Council on the Arts, 2001.
The Big Foot: Museums and Children with Learning Disabilities. Pearson, Ann, and Chitra Aloysius. London: British Museum Press, 1994.
Building Sight: A Handbook of Building and Interior Design Solutions to Include the Needs of Visually Impaired People. Barker, Peter, Jon Barrick, Rod Wilson New York: American Foundation for the Blind Press, 1995.
Cultural Facility Access Survey and Teaching Instrument. Boston: VSA Arts of Massachusetts, 1999.
Designing Places for Learning. Meek, Anne. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; The Council of Educational Facility Planners International, 1995.
Museums Without Barriers: A New Deal for Disabled People. Fondation de France/ICOM. London and New York: Routledge, 1991.
New Dimensions for Traditional Dioramas: Multisensory Additions for Access, Interest and Learning.Davidson, Betty. Boston: Museum of Science, 1991.
Play for All Guidelines: Planning, Designing and Management of Outdoor Play Settings for All Children. Moore, Robin; Susan Goltsman; Daniel Iacofano. Berkeley: MIG Communications, 1992.
Standards Manual for Signs and Labels. Adams, Roxana, Ed. Washington: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995.
Strategies for Teaching Universal Design. Welch, Polly, Ed. Boston: Adaptive Environments, 1995.
Universal Access to Outdoor Recreation. PLAE, Inc., USDA. Forest Service. Berkeley: MIG Communications, 1993.
Universal Design Handbook. Preiser, Wolfgang, Ph.D. and Elaine Ostroff, Ed.M., Eds. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
What Museum Guides Need to Know. Groff, Gerda, and Laura Gardner. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1989.
User Friendly: Hands-On Exhibits That Work. Kennedy, Jeff. Washington: Association of Science-Technology Centers, 1997.
Images: Universal Design Excellence Project (slides). Universal Designers & Consultants, Inc., for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Building Museum, 1996.
Principles of Universal Design (computer-aided instruction). IDEA Center, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1996.
The Universal Design File. Molly F. Story, James L. Mueller, Ronald Mace, Center for Universal Design, North Carolina State University, 1998.
Adaptive Environments Center
Building a World Fit for People: Designers with Disabilities at Work.Elaine Ostroff, Mark Limont, Daniel Hunter;
Case Studies on Universal Design,Jim Mueller    Designing for the 21st Century II Conference Proceedings
Removing Barriers to Health Care: A Guide for Health Professionals
Removing Barriers to Health Clubs and Fitness Facilities: A Guide for Accommodating all members, Including People with Disabilities and Older Adults  
Strategies for Teaching Universal Design.Polly Welch.
The Universal Design File: Designing for People of All Ages and Abilities.Molly Follette, James L. Mueller, Ronald L. Mace.   Universal Design New York
Unlimited by Design
Visit-ability: an Approach to Universal Design in Housing. Steve Truesdale, Edward Steinfeld.

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Universal Design Agencies and Service Providers

Adaptive Environments Center
Association of Science-Technology Centers Incorporated
Barrier Free Environments, Inc.  
CAST, Center for Accessible Special TechnologyTM
Center for Universal Design
Design and Industry Center for Global Needs
Green Map System
Half the Planet Foundation
Inclusive Design and Environmental Access (IDEA)
IDEA Center, SUNY Buffalo,
Industrial Design Society of America Universal Design Committee   Design Educators Council
Massachusetts Assistive Technology Project (MATP)
National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR)
National Center on Accessibility
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Center (RERC) on Universal Design at Buffalo
Sweet's Accessible Building Products, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020-1095; 800-442-2258 (V); 212-515-2348 (Fax)
The Accessibility Center, Solutions for Easier Living at Hechinger, 4500 Wisconsin, D.C. 20016
Trace R&D Center
United Design Associates
Universal Designers and Consultants (US)
U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers
University of Manitoba,
Centre for Accessible Environments or email
Design for the Aging Network (DAN) (European Union)
E&C Project (Japan)
Board of the Herman Bouma Fund for Gerontechnology Foundation
European Institute for Design and Disability (EIDD) / Design for All European Network
Inclusive Design Curriculum Network (IDCnet)
Institute on Independent Living (European Union)
Universal Design Magazine (Japan)

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Accessible Web Resources

WebAIM: Web Accessiblity in Mind
British Computer Association of the Blind (BCAB)
Trace R&D Center
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Center for Technology in Education
Clearinghouse on Computer Accommodation
General Services Administration
18th & F Sts., N.W., Mailstop KBA
Washington, DC 20405
202-501-4906 (V and T)
Equal Access to Software and Information
Trace Center for Research and Development

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Audio Description Resources: AD providers, AD for audio, video, TV, and theater

The Metropolitan Washington Ear, Inc.
Descriptive Video Service
Joel Snyder (e-mail)
Narrative Television Network
Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media

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Braille Resources and Transcription Services.

Braille: What is it? What does it mean to the blind?
How to Produce Braille
Braille Transcription Services Vendors

American Council of the Blind (ACB)
Braille Authority of North America (BANA)
Liz Gray's Braille Transcribing Page
National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

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Tactile Graphics Resources

Tactile Graphics. P. K. Edman. (1992). American Foundation for the Blind, New York.
A Picture is Worth 300 Words: Writing Visual Descriptions for an Art Museum Web Site. Alonzo, A. (2001)
AFB’s Resources for Preparing Quality Tactile Graphics Library
The Living Paintings Trust
National Centre for Tactile Diagrams
American Thermoform Corporation
C.R. Clarke and Company
Enabling Technologies
Index Braille
Index Braille Asia
JMU Access Partnership
Jungle Electronics: UK company which sells equipment for tactile graphic production.
Macromedia: Software company which produces the graphics application FreeHand.
Nippon Telesoft: Japanese developer and manufacturer of embossers and braille software. + Giles Computer Products: UK Reseller of computer products, including concept keyboards.
Quantum Technology,
Repro-Tronics: US designer and manufacturer of a range of tactile graphics equipment.
Tactile Colour Communication Ltd.
Techno-Vision Systems Ltd.: UK suppliers of equipment and systems for visually impaired people, including tactile graphics. 
TGD - Tactile-Audio Graphics Designer
Touch Graphics
ViewPlus Technologies
Zychem Ltd.: UK manufacturer of a range of unique products for use by Blind & Visually Impaired people, including a tactile diagram fuser and paper. 
Oregon State University:  New Tiger 1000 embosser produces quality tactile graphics right off many standard file formats. 
Personal Data System, Inc.
Quantum Tech PTY LTD.
Tactile Access to Education for Visually Impaired Students
Techno-Vision Systems Ltd. 
International Council on English Braille: (ICEB) Tactile graphics project
NBA, National Braille Association

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Publications on Tactile Maps and Graphics

Tactile Graphics Guidebook. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind, 1988.
Before a Blind Child Can Read a Map: First Steps in Tactile Graphics. Marek Boguslaw.
Audio-Tactile Graphics: The Role of Audio Input When Presenting Tactile Graphics and Models to Children. Tricia d'Apice.
Atlas: A map consisting of most addresses and street intersections, nationwide, with a specially designed user interface to navigate and describe this map data verbally.
The Sendero Group is also developing a combination of the BrailleNote and VoiceNote notetakers and a Global Positioning System receiver.
MoBIC (Mobility of Blind and Elderly People Interacting With Computers), is a project of the TIDE program of the European Union.
Braillables: A Manual for Parents and Teachers: A description of how to draw with a brailler and how to show others how to draw.
Centaurian Systems has developed a graph reader that can read more than seventeen different business-style graphs.
Geographers at the University of Michigan have created a set of tactile maps of their campus using the Repro-tronics Tactile Image Enhancer to create the maps and a Nomad electronic tablet to store the keys and captions as well as other information too extensive to be captured in Braille on the map itself.
The Information Access Laboratory at the University of Delaware's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: It conducts research into new assistive technologies, does outreach and works with parents and educators.
Tactile Graphics: An Overview and Resource Guide. John Gardner, Oregon State University.

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National Organizations and Government Offices Involved with Education of Blind Students

American Foundation for the Blind
American Printing House for the Blind
Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
Hadley School for the Blind
Office of Special Education Program, US Department of Education    School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Schools for the Blind Outreach Listserv.
This is a closed listserv. You can only join with approval. Please send a message to Cyral Miller ( ). Include your name and school affiliation. 
BlindArt Forum

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Marketing and Museum Audience Development Resources

Membership Development: An Action Plan for Results by Patricia Rich and Dana Hines. Whether you're implementing your first membership program or seeking to improve and expand the one you already have, Membership Development contains the real-world strategies, formulas and experience-based guidance you've been wishing for.
Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources. Neil G. Kotler and Philip Kotler.
Marketing the Museum. Fiona McLean.
Fiona McLean looks at marketing within the museum context, providing guidance on overcoming the hurdles to achieving a marketing mindset and offering ways to adopt a marketing orientation without undermining mission., a resource for museums, historic sites, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and heritage attractions has good information on audience development.

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Disability Community Outreach

Art of the Eye Exhibit
Art of the Eye is a traveling exhibit about the nature of perception in artists with visual disabilities.
National Exhibits by Blind Artists: NEBA, National Exhibits by Blind Artists, was founded in Philadelphia in the belief that talented blind artists deserve the same recognition as writers, musicians and other sighted artists.   
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)
University programs for teachers of visually impaired students; graduate students
Directory of Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada Offering Courses in Orientation & Mobility, Rehabilitation Teaching, and Teacher of Visually Impaired Children. Services for the Blind, 919 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107; 215-627-0600 (V)
Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired administrators, Special Education Offices at the Department of Education, Federal Quota trustees. List of current APH Federal quota Trustees.
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS)
The Library of Congress The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is a network of regional and subregional libraries providing free service to persons unable to use standard printed material because of visual or physical disabilities.
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Founded in 1940, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is the nation's largest and most influential membership organization of blind persons. National Center for the Blind, 180 Johnson St., Baltimore, MD 21230; 410-659-9314 (V)
American Council of the Blind (ACB), the nation's leading membership organization of blind and visually impaired people.
American Foundation for the Blind;
American Printing House for the Blind,   P.O. Box 6085, Louisville, KY 40206; 502-895-2405 (V)
Carroll Center for the Blind
 Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind
National Association for the Visually Handicapped
National Society to Prevent Blindness, 500 East Remington Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60617; 1-800-221-3004 (V)
Prevent Blindness America
Upshot Institute for the Blind, 4-Sights Network, 16625 Grand River Ave., Detroit, MI 48227; 313-272-3900 (V); 313-272-6893 (Fax)

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International Disability Agencies

British Council of Disabled People (BCODP)
Disability Arts Forum London
European Disability Forum
Help the Aged
National Disability Arts Forum
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation (RADAR)
Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)

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Art Education and Art Making Resources

Art Education and Human Development, Howard Gardner.
Publisher: The Getty Education Institute for the Arts Year of publication: 1991.
Art Works for Schools, Tina Grotzer, Project Zero; Laura Howick, DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park; Shari Tishman, Project Zero; Debra Wise, Underground Railway Theater, Publisher: DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park. Art Works for Schools is a curriculum program that teaches high-level thinking in and through visual art and theater.
Collaborative Assessment: Working with Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Including Those with Additional Disabilities, Edited by Stephen A. Goodman, M.A., M.S., Stuart H. Wittenstein, Ed.D. Publisher: AFB Press, 2003.
When You Have a Visually Impaired Student in Your Classroom. A Guide for Teachers, Susan Jay Spungin (Editor), Donna McNear (Editor), Iris Torres (Editor), Charles R. Atkins, Publisher: AFB Press, 2001. The guide provides information on students' abilities and needs, resources and educational team members, federal special education requirements, and technology and materials used by students.
Imagining the Possibilities: Creative Approaches to Orientation and Mobility Instruction for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired, Publisher: AFB Press, 2001.
Drawing & the Blind : Pictures to Touch, John Kennedy, Publisher: Yale University Press, 1993.
Art Beyond Sight: A Resource Guide to Art, Creativity, and Visual Impairment, Elisabeth Axel and Editors. Publisher: ABS and the AFB Press.
Drawing and the Artist Within, Betty Edwards. Publisher: Simon and Schuster, 1986.
Child Development in Art, Anna M. Kindler, Editor.
Viktor Lowenfeld Speaks On Art and Creativity, Viktor Lowenfeld, Lambert Brittain, Editor. Publisher: NAEA Publications, 1968; Nine speeches by Lowenfeld on creativity, scientific and social values, children's art expression, and sensitivity.
Issues and Approaches to Art for Students with Special Needs, Andra L. Nyman and Anne M. Jenkins, Editors. Publisher: NAEA Publications, 1999.
Creative Art For Learning, Merle B. Karnes. Publisher: NAEA Publications, 1979; Sixty lesson plans in a wire-bound manual help preschool and elementary students develop skills and behavior necessary for later school success.
"The Hole In My Vision: An Artist's View of His Own Macular Degeneration", Lee Allen Publisher: Penfield Press,2000.

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Art Projects and Lessons for Students with Visual Impairments

Art Beyond Sight. A Resource Guide to Art, Creativity, and Visual Impairment. (Eds.) Elisabeth Axel and . AFB Press 2003.
Art Beyond Sight: A Demonstration of Practical Techniques for Teaching Art to People with Visual Impairments; Overview of how to make art accessible plus vignettes detailing how to use verbal descriptions, touch tours, tactile diagrams, and art making in museums and classrooms.  The 504-page companion book, Art Beyond Sight: A Resource Guide to Art, Creativity, and Visual Impairment, addresses all aspects of developing museum and community art education programs for individuals with visual impairments.
Time for Art, G. Showalter, Publisher: American Printing House for the Blind.
VSA arts of Massachusetts produces a unique arts education Mutli-Arts Resource Guide. This extraordinary resource is of value to anyone who works with children pre-k through 12th grades, with or without special needs in a school or community setting. The Resource Guide may be ordered directly from VSA arts of Massachusetts or ordering via email:
The Eye of the Artist, Michael F. Marmor, James G. Ravin, Publisher: Mosby, 1997.
This book provides a unique analysis of art and its history by examining the work of famous artists from an ophthalmologist's perspective.
Blind and Visually Impaired Students - Educational service guidelines (1999), Dr. Gaylen S. Pugh and Dr. Jane Erin.
Exceptional Teaching Aids
Picture Maker: Wheatley Tactile Diagramming Kit; Fun, colorful multipurpose tactile board can be used for numerous educational activities; Maker: The Video; Product creator Patty Wheatley offers many tips and tricks for using the Picture Maker in all areas from classroom to everyday life.
Exceptional Vision: the Able Arts North Carolina Japan Exchange Project.  Yohei Nishimura, Japanese artist and veteran school-for-the-blind teacher shares his expertise and methods for working with children who are visually impaired in this inspiring 30 minute video.  
Art Ideas, M. Cortesi;
Art:  A Great Tool for Teaching Students with Visual Impairments H. Cooper School for the Blind
Perkins School for the Blind;
Accessible Arts Kansas
The Kansas State School for the Blind
Texas School for the Blind
North Dakota School for the Blind
Braille Institute. The Braille Institute of has a creative arts program, which enables individuals who are legally blind to develop skills that lead to independence, personal expression, and social community involvement.
Gateway Arts Vinfen. Goals of the art center are: prevocational and professional training in the arts, participation in the design studio, development of a line of work, competition in juried shows, sales, and publications.
Center for Accessible Technology (Integrated Arts). Brings people with and without disabilities together by providing creative art-making opportunities.
The National Arts and Disability Center (NADC). NADC is the national information dissemination, technical assistance and referral center specializing in the field of arts and disability.
Art for Students Who Are Blind.    A pilot program for students and teachers, created by the SNOW Project and the Art Gallery of Toronto.

Lesson Plans and Teaching Tips Resources
Artsedge. ARTSEDGE supports the place of arts education at the center of the curriculum through the creative and appropriate uses of technology. ARTSEDGE helps educators to teach in, through and about the arts.
Ask Eric. The AskERIC Lesson Plan Collection contains more than 1100 unique lesson plans which have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.
email: A monthly 8-page newsletter and more for art teachers.
Art Studio Chalkboard. These pages are a resource for artists and art students and focus on the fundamentals of perspective, shading, and color. Students are also given the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers relating to technique and the principles of design.
Classroom Resources
Getty Center's ArtsEdNet includes a variety of teaching and learning materials, including art images. The resources are organized so that ArtsEdNet visitors can easily find the sort of information they want.
The Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network
 KCAAEN is a coalition of statewide, nonprofit organizations working in partnership with the Kennedy Center to support policies, practices and partnerships which ensure that the arts are woven into the very fiber of American education.
Stone Sculpting;

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Art materials: Resources and Vendors

To get stones for sculpture classes, check one of these sites.  Remember to ask the provider about the characteristics of the stone before planning your project – every stone reacts differently to different types of stress. If it contains silica or asbestos, it is not recommended for school use.
Wikki Stix. An easy way to create tactile graphics, assist with O & M training, map concepts, music lessons, daily living skills and much more. Since they adhere to almost any smooth surface with just fingertip pressure, they are easy to use to provide a raised line effect.
Dick Blick (Art Supplies)
Pearl (Art Supplies)
APH InSights. This unique annual art competition and exhibition is exclusively for legally blind artists. Works in the exhibition are selected from entries submitted for jurying. Award winners are selected from the juried exhibition. 
National Exhibits by Blind Artists, Inc. A Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization dedicated to showing the work of blind artists, the shows are organized by sending invitations across the country and abroad to artists who are legally blind.

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Employment in the Arts

Career Perspectives: Interviews with Blind and Visually Impaired Professionals, Attmore, M., Publisher: American Foundation for the Blind, 1990. Profiles of 20 successful achievers who describe in their own words what it takes to pursue and attain professional success in a sighted world.
Jobs to Be Proud Of,  Kendrick, D., Publisher: AFB Press. NY,1993. This profile of 12 blind and visually impaired people who are working at jobs that they love is full of lively, down-to-earth accounts of how these role models followed their own interests and made successful job choices which do not require advanced academic or technological training.
Teachers Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Kendrick, D., Publisher: AFB Press. NY,1998. The first volume in the Jobs That Matterseries, this book profiles 18 visually impaired individuals who have successfully fulfilled their dreams of becoming teachers.
Business Owners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired,  Kendrick, D., Publisher: AFB Press. NY,2000. The second title in the exciting Jobs That Matter series which is written by an award-winning blind journalist, Business Owners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired demonstrates the wide range of careers and talents that can be pursued by persons with visual impairments.
Health Care Professionals Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Kendrick, D., Publisher: AFB Press. NY,2001. Health care offers exciting career possibilities for people who are visually impaired as well as those who are sighted. Written in an accessible, easy-to-read style, Health Care Professionals Who Are Blind or Visually Impaireddocuments the stories and strategies of professionals ranging from a forensic psychiatrist to a radiology dark room technician.
Take Charge: A Strategic Guide for Blind Job Seekers,Rabby, R., & Croft, D., Publisher: Boston: National Braille Press,1989. This book, available in print, braille, and on audiocassette, provides guidance to blind and visually impaired job seekers on such issues as self-disclosure, networking with prospective employers, and the importance of developing competencies for competing with sighted applicants for jobs. *Although this book is out-of-print, it is still available in many library collections.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office., Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor,2002.The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) is available in print, as well as on-line (at, from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and on audiocassette from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. It contains detailed information about the 250 most popular jobs in the U.S. labor market, including the nature of the work, working conditions, number of people employed, training required, job outlook, earnings, related occupations, and sources of additional information.
Skills for Success: A Career Education Handbook for Children and Adolescents with Visual Impairments, Wolffe, K. E. (Ed.). Publisher: AFB Press. NY,1999.
Innovative materials for helping young students start on successful careers! This book, available in print and ASCII disk, provides activities and information for teachers, parents, and other concerned adults to promote the exploration and implementation of career choices.
The Transition Tote System: Navigating the Rapids of Life, Wolffe, K. E., & Johnson, D, Publisher: Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind, 1997. This set of materials consists of a briefcase-style computer bag and organizer; a student manual (available in large print and Braille and on audiocassette); an information supplement (a facilitator's guide); and a video, navigating the Rapids of Life. The student manual is a practical guide with lessons in organizational skills, self-awareness, work-exploration skills, job-seeking skills, and job-keeping skills and an annotated resource list. The information supplement, available in print and braille, is designed for teachers or other instructional staff and parents. It explains how to modify the content and activities in the student manual for students who are unable to complete the assignments independently.
Putting Creativity to Work: Careers in the Arts for People with Disabilities. A VSA arts career guide. Whether you are a visual, literary or performing artist with a disability this publication provides valuable information to help you pursue not just a job, but a career that is creative and challenging.

Videos materials
Organizations advocating Employment of blind people. Information and Service Providers
ABLEDATA Database Program. ABLEDATA's mission is to provide information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources to consumers, organizations, professionals, and caregivers within the United States.
Accessible Society Action Project (ASAP). The Center for An Accessible Society is a national organization designed to focus public attention on disability and independent living issues by disseminating information developed through NIDRR-funded research to promote independent living;
AFB CareerConnect™. A free resource for people who are blind or visually impaired to learn about the range and diversity of the jobs that are performed throughout the United States and Canada by adults who are blind or visually impaired; is an online information resource providing up-to-date, thorough information on assistive technologies, adaptive environments and community resources; is a comprehensive online resource that provides access to disability-related information and programs available across the government on numerous subjects, including civil rights, education, employment, housing, health, income support, technology, transportation and community life;
Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center (ITTATC). The ITTATC promotes the development of accessible electronic and information technology by providing technical assistance, training and information;
National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC). NARIC collects and disseminates the results of federally funded research projects to serve anyone, professional or lay person, who is interested in disability and rehabilitation;
National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDDR). NCDDR works with NIDRR grantees and stakeholders in disability research to expose the barriers to effective dissemination and search for ways to overcome them. NCDDR provides direct linkage to many funded NIDRR projects and publications;
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). OSEP is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts.
RESNA Technical Assistance Project
RESNA provides information and technical assistance to the 56 Assistive Technology Act state grantees. These grantees work to reduce barriers to the availability, acquisition, and use of assistive technology devices and services for individuals of all ages with disabilities.
Social Security Disability Benefits. Information about the various kinds of disability benefits available from the Social Security Administration and what to do if your claim is denied.
Student Financial Assistance. Information about the Department of Education's SFA grant and loan program.
The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). RSA supports state vocational rehabilitation programs that give people with disabilities the education, job training, and job-placement services they need to gain meaningful employment.
Able to Work. A consortium of business leaders focused on facilitating a fundamental shift in attitudes and awareness about the abilities of people with disabilities.
Bender Consulting Services. Information technology consulting service that specializes in placing people with disabilities in computer programming or network engineering positions.
CAP. Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) provides assistive technology and accommodations to ensure people with disabilities have equal access to the information environment and opportunities in the Department of Defense (DoD) and throughout the Federal government.
DisabilityInfo.Gov. A comprehensive listing of disability-related Federal government resources.
eSight™ Careers Network. A bridge connecting business leaders to talent in the disability community. This site has job listings and job alert.
Hadley School for the Blind. Offers tuition-free distance education courses in academic and vocationally relevant content areas, including a job seeking skills course, Principles of Job Acquisition. NOW OFFERING A COURSE IN ART HISTORY!
Job Accommodation Network. A free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the employability of people with disabilities.
The Work Site. Information from the Social Security Administration on vocational rehabilitation, employment services, or other work-related matters.
Employers’ Forum on Disability.  
Action for Blind People. UK charity working for equal opportunities for visually impaired people in work, leisure, housing and support.

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