Welcome to the Disability and Inclusion: Resources for Museum Studies Programs website.
Our goal for the website is to dramatically enhance how museum studies programs and museum professionals address disability and inclusion, and we hope you’ll be an active part of this effort. This is a “first-generation” website. As the DIC Task Force continues to develop content, the next generation website will have entry “portals” to enter as museum studies professor, student, or museum professional.
The word “Resources” in the subtitle suggests this is not a curriculum or pre-packaged course of study. It is a resource bank of articles, videos, photos, case studies, and links that you can infuse into your existing courses and to promote professional practices that are responsive to stakeholders with disabilities.
The materials are designed to help current and future museum professionals – curators, designers, educators, managers – learn to create accessible programs and exhibits for all visitors. They are organized into six modules, which can be used in any order. Each module contains
· an introduction to the topic,
· questions that can guide learning in the module
· activities that might be used as assignments
· a resource bank of additional readings and useful web sites,
· links to online communities and related organizations, and
· case studies that illustrate the module.
We hope that you find value in the materials and use them as
· Background information for the development of a class and/or recommended reading or viewing for your students.
· Readings for students that can foster class discussion;
· Examples to illustrate or help address a specific idea or topic; and/or
· Part of a student exercise or written assignment
Most pages include a “Print Friendly” to create hard copies of information.
Please consider contributing your expertise by to this initiative by posting Activities you create for your students that relate to Disability and Inclusion. You may contribute an activity by sending a description (text in Word doc format) and supporting resources to Art Beyond President and CEO Elisabeth Axel at
If you have any photos or graphics to accompany the activity, please send them as email attachments. We will give you full credit for your contribution.